Pop jam

Hello all, 

We have some exciting news that will be talked in a video but I just wanted to say that we now have a official page on popjam it is like Twitter as you follow people, you can create art and like I usually post funny pics of the pets you can even add funny stickers that move and are animated. 

We already have 3 followers after just a few hours of going live with the account, I also post pictures that you get involved with such as a photo of me asking you what goes in the heart, you can then click the post and click the photo and add whatever you think would go in the heart and then it will post it too the comments so I can see there may even be mini competitions featured just for popjam followers.

So follow us today I am constantly posting and am online a lot as its great fun, there are even competitions and daily challenges to do and you can follow big names, as I said it's like Twitter but instead of having Twitter so my younger viewers can follow us we are on a child friendly app too remember if you are under the age of 5 ask your parents before downloading.

Our official page is called Charlotte10203

See you guys there on popjam it's available on both the App Store and ad android store.

Pics bellow of some of our first funny posts andout page so you know what it looks like
