
This is not actually correct to everyone as everyone succeeds in different things in different ways in life, a small challenge to you such as maybe going up a climbing wall when you afraid of heights can seem like second nature to a professional rock climber but that is the key here, many people find different things a struggle and you shouldn't feel silly if you do.

We should take action and concur whatever fears we have as you may just find you really enjoy something you thought you never would. You may meet new people you never would have met and you may, just may actually start to live the best part of your life.

For example:

You really want to go out with your friends to a party, it sounds fun but immediately for someone who suffers from overthinking you will get a load of negative thought put into your head surrounding that subject of going out that often you'll end up not wanting to go in the fear of something happening.

However 9 times out of 10 they never do.

Our brains are incredibly clever in putting what could be a safe situation into a bad one, they can change good positive thoughts quickly into negative thoughts that stop us from feeling "safe" in a situation we wanted to be in and now all of a sudden..we don't.

But, you can change this, instead of letting the negative thoughts control you, you need to fight back at them with positive thoughts. Reassuring yourself. If our brains have  bad experiences and bad thoughts they  can override positive and happy ones. Think of it like string in your head. Bad ones quickly thicken and become harder to snap but if you go against what they're initially wanting you to do the happy ones will become stronger and eventually break away the negative one's.

So, your head may be saying "I'll embarrass myself at the party, no one will like me, its easier to stay at home alone" You shouldn't do that. I not saying go against all your thoughts but for things like this that are mainly from things like anxiety and overthinking and they're not affecting you in a good way then try to turn them into a good thing.

You need to actually think "I might actually have a great time, I might meet one of my best friends here" And that, is the joy of not knowing. Isn't it exciting? Instead of fearing the unknown we should look forward to it.

And that's really what I was trying to say, we shouldn't fear the future instead we should embrace it :)
