How i edit my youtube videos

Hello everyone and welcome back to a new blog post :D

Today i am going to be discussing how i edit my videos as i know i find videos and blog posts on these very helpful.

Editing can be as simple as you want or as complex as you want.

I personally started off YouTube with very simple editing tools to understand the concept of it a little better. If you are starting out a new YouTube channel and havnt edited or published a video before i recommend a iPod, i started off with my ipod 4th gen. I found it so easy to record a video, edit it and then upload it.

I started off with a few editors from the app store, there are so many on there to choose from.
I found however that as i was making more videos i wanted to be able to do better editing so i decided to give imovie a try, this came with my iPod but i just never had looked at it haha.

I cannot recommend imovie enough as it is so easy to use on the ipod, you can add royalty free music to your videos too and its what got me really into YouTube because if you like the editor you use, personally i wouldn't want to use a editor i dont like. It will make editing seem like a thing you wont want to do.

I then upgraded to a Ipod 5th gen as i wanted better quality for my videos. I continued to use imovie with this and never used a different editor.

Just recently i was lucky enough to get a camera for Christmas. It is the Nikon 1J5 and i love it. Only problem was, was "oh dear, i havnt ever edited on a computer/laptop before"

I will admit i thought editing on a laptop would be just the same as an ipod in easy terms that is.
However it isn't really the same . This is because laptop editing soft wears can do so many more things. Of course if you have a mac computer you can use imovie on that too but i don't so the hunt began to find my new editor.

I now use nero 2016. It is incredibly easy to use and just what i wanted. i really recommend it if you are looking to step up from a ipod or other device. You can even upload straight from the program  however i do export mine and then upload it but either way works :)

I hope you all enjoyed this post and maybe it helped some of you :)

I do not take credit for any products mentioned and all opinions are my own, i have tried the products mentioned and it is based on my personal experience.
