Febuery favourites

Hello everyone! Today I have a new post and this is on my favourites in febuery. Let's get straight into it, shall we? :D

My first favourite has to be my new iPhone cases. I ordered these from Amazon and absolutely love them both. One is a cute panda and the other is Minnie  and Micky  mouse going in or a kiss. :)

So my second favourite's have been my shades. One pair is a seethrough but not prescription lenses and the other is a pair of cat eye sun glasses. I love both and it's nice to find some glasses that actually fit my teeny head alright. Honestly the problems haha

My rose gold watch. I am in love with this watch, I haven't been able to wear it yet because of my tiny wrists is just falls off but I am getting some of the links taken out so then I will finally be able to wear it and once I can it won't be coming off! Haha

Music, I have really gotten in to a habit of listening to music nearly everyday. I have found that it has really helped relax me if my anxiety is making me feel bad. The artist I have listened to the most would be Selena Gomez as I love her new and old songs :)

I have also been loving my sony headphones, I got these around 3 years ago and they are still great. As I just said about the music I thought I would carry on that. They give such great sound and I can't  describe it. I just love them.

Sprinkle of glitter 2016 diary 
I have been loving planning my week out in this new diary. I plan my week, my video sort of plan for videoing and uploading etc and I just really really like it.

So that's about it. There where not any beauty things in here because I have some to review and don't want to give them away yet haha.

See you in my next post, byeee

All photos used have been taken by me, I do not claim any company's or product mentioned in the post or ones in the photos however the ones in the photos are ones I have bought myself.
