My First Day At College!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!

Today was my first day as a college student, believe it or not haha

I thought I would talk about how I have found my first day as for anyone, it is always nerve racking and I know some of you guys may not of still gone back to school, college or work. I also kind of want to be able to look back on this as it was my first day :)

It all started off with that awkward walk, this awkward walk is when you have to walk into a class of people you have never met before and act as un scared as you can.

I walked in and sat down next to the one girl I knew, other girls came in and we all settled.

If you didn't already know i am doing an equine studies course :)

We played some awkward games and had to do the "my name is and this is a fun fact about me" thing which lets be honest, everyone hates doing.

We then went for a tour of the college and signed our lives away

By then it was lunch at 1pm, I met my friend who was on a different course and had lunch with her and 2 other people who she had met on her course, they where both very lovely :D

We then had another few little lessons where we had to have a webcam shoved in front of our faces for our ID cards. I have not seen what mine came out like and dread the days of wearing it around my neck. As we all know that awkward smile you do when you are told "Look like you are having a pleasant day" The smile more says "I feel so awkward please get this camera out of ma face"

It was time to go home at 4:50pm and i can honestly say i really enjoyed it, my anxiety wasn't that bad and i managed to cope :) It is a rather big step for me but hopefully in the right direction!

How has your first day at school, college or work gone? I would love to know

See you all in my next blog post, byee! :D
