A new look, a new post

Hello, hello.

Why welcome back to my little area on the internet where I babble on about the goings on in my life,

If you haven't already noticed do take a look around! My blog has a fresh, sleek new look to it. As they say out with the old in with the new.

And yes, a lot of old things have gone from my life however, many new are coming and have already arrived!

I want to do a segment on my blog going through my daily life. I shall update you in a bit so you can follow along in the days to come.

Now i am rather clumsy and a lot of things happen in my life that people could potentially laugh at, yes myself included. The amount of times I go into an uncontrollable unstoppable amount of giggles is far too often to count.

Dinners ready woo,

Right I'm back again, ate that flippin quick!

So goes, a short description of where I am:

I'm 17, I am now officially an Apprentice after years of trouble with Anxiety through things that went on at school and college and previously I have made blog posts on this subject. I am now a video editor, media person and photographer for a company through my Apprenticeship wooo

I am really happeh about this, I also continue to make youtube video's so if you enjoy these then be sure to go check out my crazy channel.

I got the idea of doing these daily or they may become weekly if I don't find the time but they're daily to start with from recently watching Marley and Me. You know that cute film with Marley the dog.

In the movie the owner writes about his day to day happenings with Marley and I thought this may be perfect for my blog as its quick, jots down what I did and most importantly is funny. It also gives me something to look back on but hopefully you shall enjoy it too! The first one shall be on your way :)

See you in my next blog post!
