My Day To You

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my first post as mentioned previously which is going to be a daily post on my day. Along still with my other blog posts.

Monday 24/07/2017

Woke up (like normal, dragged or well, fell out of my bed)
Did makeup (Looked ok-ish, the bags under my eyes added to the effects of a woman who did not sleep)
Got dressed
Missed the bus to work (Clever)
Dad took me to work instead
I did work
Chatted to some people in my break

I then went for lunch yay
The guy that served me in Waitrose was soooo cool! He did some awesome magic tricks with the little green tokens you get to give it a selected charity after your purchase, he did this trick that ended with blowing the token out of his hands and it appeared in mine, like whet!? (Legit best part of my day and I was mind blown)

Ate my sandwich (Egg and Cress as always)
Ate my crisps
Stuffed a chocolate brownie and instantly regretted it (I must go running tonight)
Thought about how to improve myself (physically and mentally)
Got bored of doing that cause i'm boring
Was said bored for awhile
Went back and did some more work
did work
worked on work
worked on so much work that I was actually doing work and became work

Looked out the window and saw a man doing some crazy yogo throwing his arms and legs around in strange motions
It was funny, I laughed
Drank nearly all my drink by 2:30pm (stupid idiot I know)

Got mad cramp in my leg
Had shoulder pain (sitting down is tiring ok)
My boss must think I have some sort of weak bladder as I kept going to the bathroom to do some major arm and back stretches

Did more work
Had a moment of silence and had an epiphany (Everything in life happens for a reason)
Felt clever for a moment that I figured that out to actually be true
Learnt a new quote "If you don't believe in yourself no one else will believe  in you"

Felt slightly majestic for a few seconds
Looked at time
Checked time
What time is it?
Got hungry
Work finished
Drove home
Had dinner

If you enjoyed this blog post be sure to check out my next day's post on my little happenings!
