Fun things to do over the Easter half term!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another blog post.

This post is my top 3 things to do over the Easter weekend :)


Find some fun Easter themed DIY's to do. It is really easy to find them, you can look on YouTube as there are tons of videos out all on fun little projects to do. Pinterest also has some very good idea's too so get searching and see what you can make!


Decorate your room to be Easter-ry? is that a word? No, its probably not. Haha
Again if you need some inspiration for ideas on how to decorate your room then websites like Pinterest or YouTube have some great suggestions, why not go for the big Easter egg and little Easter egg colored in drawings stuck on the wall? Any excuse to decorate for a season haha


Easter bonnets!

Now, i know most of my viewers are probably past the stage of making and decorating Easter hats but if like me and  you have younger cousins this can be such a fun and cute thing to do. It also gets them off of the technology and gets their creative minds going!

Simply get out the old recycling and start crafting. Get them to make a simple hat or even just a band that fits round their head. Stick bunny ears on and voila! They can then decorate them and even have a little parade outside for the family to watch. They can also wear them during the Easter egg hunt!

It was such a fun thing to do when I was little so i'm sure they would enjoy it too!

Another thing you can do is print out some bunnies or other Easter themed things for them to color in.

So there it is, my top 3 favorite things to do during the Easter weekend :)

I hope you enjoyed this! I will see you next time and don't forget to check out my YouTube channel for fun Easter themed videos!

Byeee :D
