Tips for dealing with exam stress

Hello everyone and welcome back to another blog post.

As some of you know, I suffer with anxiety and this can be difficult with exams. Whether you find yourself feeling stressed over them or feeling anxious then these little tips may help you.

I am in year 11 at school so I am taking my GCSE's this year and these are just a little scary.....

However these tips aren't just for people who are taking GCSE's. Any exam can be scary even if its not a "big" one.

I have put together some little things that I like to do to try and help feel more relaxed at stressy exam times.

Tip 1.


Now I know revising is soooooo boring but honestly it will make you feel so much more confident walking into that exam. Even if you don't revise a lot it boosts your confidence levels and you end up feeling less worried about the exam. I have revised the complete wrong things before for an exam when it suddenly got changed to a different topic without me knowing. I had revised and so I think it was better not knowing that it had changed otherwise that would have made me worried about it, instead when I opened my paper I noticed  that it wasn't what I was expecting but thankfully i knew the stuff for it anyway.

Basically what i'm trying to say is, sometimes that build up to an exam is actually worse than the exam itself. So if you prepare yourself then you will feel much more comfortable about doing it.

Tip 2

Have a bath the night before.

Sleep can be such a big part with stress. If you don't get enough of it you will more likely be stressed, worried and not feel comfortable to take the exam. If you can go to bed earlier and get into a relaxed state, get a good nights sleep and turn your phone off so your not tempted to use it. You will feel so much better in the morning. I recommend the Radox relax bath soak along with the Palmolive relax shower wash. They both have anti stress and essential oils. They really help because they smell of lavender. This is such a good relaxing smell and it will make you feel so relaxed. I also like to use the zoella scrub from the tuti fruity range. This just makes you feel so clean and pampered.

After you have gotten out of the bath you could do this in or out of the bath, a face mask is also really relaxing to do. I recommend the neautrogena face masks.

Then when you finally get into bed a really good thing to spray in your room is a lavender room spray and a pillow mist. I like the ones that Avon do.

And voila that is my tips for a good nights sleep!

Tip 3.

Take breaks from revising.

Trying to do so much revision can make you feel more stressed and if you get more stressed you probably wont be concentrating as much so therefor you wont be taking the information in.
Try going for a walk, fresh air can really relax and let you think about things.

Tip 4.

Stay motivated.

Sometimes it can seem like all the course work and stress is piling up. I really like to write out on little bits of paper each subject and what I need to do for it. I then stick it on the wall so whenever I feel like i need to be doing some work but I don't know what exactly I should do, I can go and look.
It also feels really good to see your progression in your work so you can also tick the things off as you do them.

Tip 5.

Keep busy.

Even if its not doing work if you are stressed sitting and worrying about all the things can make it feel so much worse. Do something rather than sitting and going over everything in your head. Whether that is watching some TV, YouTube, reading a book or going for a jog. do anything to take your mind off of it.

And there you go that is my top 5 tips for dealing with exam stress. I hope you liked this post. I will see you in my next one :)

Any products mentioned are not my own and i do not claim them to be.
