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~Relationships With Anxiety~

Its an easy thing to trick yourself into believing. I am OK.. From being once so bad so chained down with my anxiety the state I currently find myself in would of seemed like the dream I always hoped for whilst I was 14 lying under my bed sheets trying to escape the bullies at school. If you have been through or someone you know has been through a tough time in their life, even if they seem so much better the problem they had especially if its mental health like anxiety or depression. It doesn't just magically disappear because trust me that would be very lovely if it could just float off away like a balloon. For me I understand I am better than what I was however, I still struggle on a daily basis. Maybe not as much as I used to because back then I had no strategy to help conquer it but some situations can drive my anxiety wild as if it were like it used to be. For me when it was at its worst I didn't just want to say "I cope with it" I wanted to full on beat...

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