The Problem With Bitchiness

Hello everyone and welcome back to another blog post.

As girls we probably all know some people who are a bit more picky or have strong opinions on subjects, whether that be just on views they express or in lets say physical work.

This can often be a one on one pick on from one girl to another, it can also be a group picking on one or lets say two teams bickering between each other. Either way, its not nice but it wont stop.

Not everyone can get on, we are not perfect and if we were there wouldn't be issues in the world or more importantly the school/college world such as bullying.

Of course bullying can be often put on a small comment such as:

One day randomly jenny said "I didn't do something right"

If it was just a once in a blue moon comment that probably wasn't bullying.
If it was on going with multiple actions that could be leading onto that.

People often don't want to talk about people being mean or horrible to them because often it seems embarrassing, the fear of others thinking "your just being silly" or being told "you need to get a grip"
Doesn't help at all, in fact it makes people bottle things up, telling someone always helps.

It irritates me and upsets me that some people can be so rude and I think selfish to behave in that way towards another human being.

From personal experiences I understand fully what it is like. The worst part of being bullied or picked on is that it doesn't just go away. People being horrible may stop if your school or college has actually dealt with it, which often never happens. If it does then that's a miracle.

But the after effects do not just go away even if the people are no longer causing you trouble. Things said by someone who has no idea what went on can bring back those feelings and it is truly a terrible feeling.

However you are not alone, lots of people feel this and it does get better. Stay strong and know you are better than whatever anyone says!

The thing is, is that yes, you may not particularly like someone but if they have not done anything to you then don't go picking on them, you don't know what could have gone on in that persons past or what troubles they have currently.

You don't have to like everyone but being pleasant is key to getting along with everyone and lets be honest. That's much easier than falling out with people.

So that is my little talk over! I hope you took something away from this post :)

See you in my next post,

Charlotte :)
